“Long-lasting protection you and your tenan s can count on — 3M™ Safety & Security Window Film.”
Superior protection inside and out.
- Designed for both exterior and interior applications
- Exterior durability gives you an extended warranty from the most trusted global brand in window films
- Glass fragment retention film helps hold shattered glass together to protect people, property and possessions from:
- Spontaneous glass breakage
- Seismic events
- Low-force glass impacts
- Can be combined with 3M™ Impact Protection Adhesive Attachment Systems for additional safety and security
- Helps extend the life of furnishings by significantly reducing harmful UV rays, the largest cause of fading
“Exterior Safety and Security Window Film”
- 3M’s extensive weathering knowledge and technical innovations enable durable exterior safety films
“Seismic and Spontaneous Glass Breakage”
- Help keep glass fragments from falling from your windows, protecting people and potentially reducing injuries on your property
“Safety Glazing and Human Impact”
- Upgrade your glass to meet safetyglazing codes*
- Help protect occupants frombroken glass hazards
- Protect your glass and your imagefrom vandalism caused by scratching,gouging, tagging or acid etching
- Less costly and less disruptive thanreplacing new windows